Monday, January 9, 2012

Husband had a wild night of Tequila shots and awoke the next day with his face looking swolen and bruised?

He did get sick and barf but he looks as if some one beat him in the face with a bat. I was with him and this did not happen,It does not hurt or itch, Some say maybe an allergic reation. He was drinking 100% mexican agave. Any ideas?

Husband had a wild night of Tequila shots and awoke the next day with his face looking swolen and bruised?
Definetely allergic reaction! My hubby sneezes his butt off when he gets anywhere near tequila gold! He doesnt break out or swell but he takes a good 20 minutes to stop sneezing! Give him lots of Benedryl liquid or pill form and he should feel alot better by morning!!!!
Reply:It is a horrible idea to mix medications of any kind with alcohol. Report It
Reply:same thing happens to me from time to time. Its allergies. tell him to lay off the tequila.
Reply:mmmmmmmmmmmm tequila
Reply:whenever i drink lots of tequila, the next day i look like i have a sun burn. some times the mixes or salts taken with tequila will have a swollen effect especially on the face and sometimes hands and feet. and a time or two i have fallen and bruised myself and didnt no it. tequilla drinking is something you have to get use to. i luv it but i know when i have had enough.
Reply:Sure sounds like allergies to me...he's lucky that he has a mild case or he could have died.
Reply:may try try red roosters instead of straight tequila


3 shot glasses, filled one each with tomato jc., orange jc., and of course tequila

drink them in any order you wish.

My way is orange, tequila, tomato
Reply:allergic reaction happened to my sister
Reply:He maybe ate something cause allergic reaction, the tequila i don't think it's the problem, i never hear before....

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